Pet Owners

Pet Owners

Pet Owners... What to Expect .

Fast your pet: Withhold food for 12-18 hrs prior to the ultrasound study ( water can be available).

Your pet needs to be dropped off in the morning, and we will contact you to pick up after the study has been performed. The order of the studies will usually be based on first come first serve, but other criteria including type of study, amount of cases and critical cases and etc will have different priorities

A full urinary bladder is ideal for abdominal ultrasound imaging. We realize it is not always possible to prevent your pet from urinating right before the appointment, but we highly recommend that your pet do not urinate before entering the building.

Your pet’s fur will be shave: Depending on the study your pet’s hair will be shave either the abdomen, thorax, neck and etc. to be able to get the most accurate and diagnostics images needed for study interpretation.

Light sedation will likely be recommended and use to make sure your pet experiences the least amount of anxiety during their examination and to obtained the most diagnostics images.

As we do not have set times or appointments for each studies, and orders varies, we cannot accommodate clients present during theirs pets studies. We appreciate your understanding.